Dragonfly Short Course Online

What’s included

I can’t seem to get enough of these creatures. And fortunately, thanks to the hard work of many naturalists, they are more approachable than ever. Join me for an exploration of Southeastern dragonflies, and begin your journey with these aerial acrobats. We’ll peruse a number of topics, and at the conclusion of this course, you will be able to do the following.

1. Understand how dragonflies are unique among insects

2. Appreciate the important features of the dragonfly head, thorax, and abdomen

3. Identify the common dragonflies of the Southeastern United States (we cover 25 species)

4. Find dragonflies in the wild

5. Navigate resources to enable future study

This course includes 12 video lectures for over two and a half hours of video content. Topics include the following:

  • What is a dragonfly?

  • Nature of the head

  • Nature of the thorax

  • Nature of the abdomen

  • Identification of the blue dragonflies

  • Identification of the common skimmers

  • Identification of the common clubtails

  • Identification of the big dragonflies

  • How to find dragonflies

  • How to study dragonflies

You will have access to a discussion board to ask questions or post content from your own dragonfly adventures. An optional, end-of-course quiz is available at the conclusion of the lectures. This can be used as a learning tool, taken several times, or avoided altogether. You may access the course for one year.


Dragonfly Workshop