Midlands Master Naturalist
What’s included
Midlands Master Naturalist
I am proud to be an instructor for parts of this course, which is a partnership with the South Carolina Wildlife Federation and Clemson University, among others. The Midlands Master Naturalist course is part of a statewide Master Naturalist Program coordinated by Clemson University. The mission of the program is to create a corps of citizen volunteers well-trained in the fundamentals of natural history, nature interpretation, and the interface of humans and nature in order to empower them to contribute their time and talents to responsible, science-based environmental stewardship. The Midlands course is hosted by the SCWF and taught by experts in the fields of natural history, botany, biology, forestry, and geology.
Students learn identification skills, ecological concepts, and natural history of the plants, animals, and ecosystems encountered. Students will see how this knowledge can be applied to manage for wildlife and to ensure that human impacts on our Earth are sustainable. Through the established connections, participants will develop the skills necessary to become lifelong students of nature and environmental volunteers in their community.
Participants completing the course will receive South Carolina Master Naturalist certification and will be eligible to join a local chapter and participate in advanced training courses. Master Naturalist graduates are encouraged to log 30 hours of volunteer service for each subsequent year to maintain their certification. Interested?