I connect people with nature.

Hey there. I’m Austin. I am a naturalist, and I help people connect with nature. I think nature is a part of who we are, and so the more we know nature, the more we know ourselves. That makes our existence more wholesome, offering peace, contentment, and so much more. I think an understanding of the natural world is something everyone deserves, and so I try to share what I’ve learned when I have the opportunity. I’m still learning, but along the way, maybe I can help some too.

This website is an effort to consolidate my work. I am fortunate to partner with many organizations in teaching, and I also offer courses independently. During the pandemic, I made some online courses and had requests to do more. Those new courses can be found here too. The content is ideal for all: beginners, professionals, homeschoolers, and those who simply enjoy learning.

I received my undergraduate degree studying biology and education at The Citadel and my graduate degrees from Clemson University studying various organisms.  I’ve long been an instructor for the popular SC Master Naturalist Program through Clemson Extension and the SC Wildlife Federation, where I am a former chair and emeritus board member.   I’m proud to have been the first executive director of the Katawba Valley Land Trust, and for the past twelve years, I’ve taught at USC Sumter in fall and spring, where my courses include the Natural History of South Carolina and Environmental Biology. My awards there include the Hugh Stoddard Outstanding Faculty Award, the Student Government Teacher of the Year Award, and the Distinguished Teacher of the Year Award. 

If you are interested in viewing the course offerings, click here.